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Tom Wardman on How Can Agencies Employ Generative AI for Content Creation and Marketing?

Updated on June 28, 2024

7 Min Read

Tom Wardman is an expert in content marketing and digital strategy, known for transforming businesses into credible industry leaders. Specializing in strategic positioning and marketing operations, Tom helps entrepreneurs and businesses elevate their market presence and attract the right clients.

Tom’s impressive track record includes a 5200% increase in lead generation and a 45% boost in MQLs for his clients. His strategies have added millions in lead value through enhanced content production and effective branding.

Today, we’re excited to welcome Tom Wardman to discuss how agencies can employ generative AI for content creation and marketing. Tom will share his insights on leveraging AI to enhance content strategies and achieve remarkable business results.

Let’s get started…

1. Can you introduce yourself and share your experience in integrating generative AI into content creation and marketing for agencies?

At the heart of my career lies a deep-seated passion for content marketing—not just as a discipline but as a vehicle for transformation. Over the years, I’ve harnessed the incredible potential of content marketing to build trust and drive self-qualified leads, empowering sales and marketing teams alike, building unshakeable trust with audiences, and ultimately unlocking growth opportunities for businesses around the world.

As a Fractional Marketing Consultant, I wear multiple hats, whether it’s providing strategic direction, HubSpot implementation, or guiding in-house teams through the principles of They Ask, You Answer. Prior to becoming a Fractional Marketer, I spent 6-years working within agencies, up to a leadership team position overseeing client delivery. In that role, I was keen to implement AI into content creation, helping the team become more productive in the work they produced for clients.

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2. Which agencies have you mentored in the past, and who are the founders of these agencies?

My last agency role was Head of Strategy Operations for UK-based, 12-person agency, working with enterprise construction clients globally. The founders are Ben and Sarah Parry (Socially Grown).

Another agency I have mentored is Selesti, run by Ollie Blackmore, where I ran a full company workshop to mentor the entire team on the They Ask, You Answer business methodology, which I took to implementing in-house.

3. What are the key benefits of generative AI for content creation and marketing?

For me, it’s all about productivity and enabling you to do the same work faster. It’s not about AI replacing a person but instead enhancing the work that person does.

The example I use often is when Apple announced they were moving from Intel chips to their own custom-made chips in-house (2020). When these new laptops first came out in late 2020, tech reviewer Marques Brownlee (MKBHD on YouTube) said that they are still “tools to get a job done“, giving an example of video editing going from multiple hours to mere minutes, thereby enabling to do more because of the efficiency gains.

I approach AI for content creation in the same way. Whether it’s the research, the outline of the plan, the formatting, or the first draft of the copy, AI can enable you to do this faster and get to the end result quicker.

4. How can agencies identify the best generative AI tools for their specific content needs?

Test, test, test. When I first started looking at AI tools, I must’ve had a folder of 20-30 tools just for content creation. So I whittled that down to maybe half a dozen, and then used a free trial to test them all together.

To make it an accurate test, I gave each one the same task: write a blog post about a specific topic, with selected keywords, and of a certain length. This helped me eliminate different tools based on their output until I had one AI content tool that I was happy with.

5. What factors should agencies consider when integrating generative AI into their content creation workflows?

I always say to anyone, definitely, agencies, that you should treat AI like the dumbest thing you’ve ever used. The analogy I like to give is car phones of the 80s: There is a massive difference between that and today’s iPhone. AI is going to be the same, but over a much shorter period of time. For now, it’s dumb.

So you have to consider everything with a pinch of salt when using it. Double check facts, references, etc. We’ve all seen the Google “glue on a pizza” meme, no one wants that in their content!

6. Can you share an example of an agency that successfully leveraged generative AI for their content creation and marketing efforts?

When I was at Socially Grown, we had a client launch their brand, Residential Energy Services. In the UK, home energy and fuel poverty have been a hot topic for a while, and we wanted to penetrate the market quickly. The content team used AI to rapidly publish content articles to the tune of 6-10 articles a week to quickly maximize the brand’s visibility and establish it as a trusted voice.

7. How can agencies ensure that the content generated by AI aligns with their brand voice and messaging?

One of the really cool things I’ve found when experimenting with generative AI is the ability to provide examples of tone of voice. For instance, I have a long thread in ChatGPT that originally started with me feeding it 10 examples of LinkedIn posts I had previously written, which it then used to produce a tone-of-voice guide and mimic my style when writing future posts.

Many other AI tools, like Writesonic and Jasper, allow you to upload a tone-of-voice document, or examples too for it to mimic.

8. What strategies can agencies use to combine human creativity with AI-generated content for optimal results?

Combining human creativity with AI-generated content can be a game-changer for agencies. This integration is particularly effective when you think about how you can apply AI across the different stages of article production.

Let’s say your process looks like this: Idea > Research > Composition > Editing > Distribution.

For me, you want to be AI-heavy at the start and slowly wean yourself off as you get further into the process. AI tools can generate a broad range of article ideas by analyzing trends, keywords, and audience engagement metrics.

However, as I’ve said before, being the human in the loop is crucial for refining these AI-generated ideas to ensure they align with the brand voice and editorial guidelines.

Another example would be during the research phase. AI can quickly gather and summarise information from various sources, streamlining the process. Human researchers then verify the data for accuracy and relevance, ensuring the information is contextually appropriate for the article’s objectives.

In the composition phase, AI can draft initial versions of articles, saving time on basic tasks and generating content based on outlines provided by human writers. Your next step from here would be to edit and refine that content with human writers because they are the ones who ultimately can add unique insights, storytelling elements, and a personal touch.

AI-powered editing tools can identify grammatical errors and suggest improvements, but human editors perform final reviews to ensure the content is polished and nuanced. For distribution, AI automates the scheduling and personalization of content across platforms, while human marketing teams use AI insights to fine-tune strategies and engage with audiences in real time.

This balanced approach ensures that AI handles repetitive, data-driven tasks while human creativity drives strategic decision-making and personal engagement, resulting in high-quality, engaging content that resonates with the audience.

9. What are some common challenges agencies might face when implementing generative AI for content creation, and how can they overcome them?

Agencies implementing generative AI for content creation face several common challenges, including the effectiveness of prompts, quality control, and maintaining a human touch. Simply providing short prompts at the ideation stage, like “please come up with 15 blog article ideas about [insert topic here],” often results in generic or irrelevant suggestions.

To overcome this, it is crucial to prime and prompt the AI tool in specific, detailed ways. This includes assigning the AI a role, filling in missing information, providing examples, adding style, and formulating clear instructions. Iteration is key: learning from previous outputs and refining prompts over time enhances the quality of the content generated.

Quality control is another significant challenge. AI-generated content can sometimes lack nuance, creativity, or context. Agencies must establish robust review processes where human editors refine AI outputs, ensuring they meet editorial standards and resonate with the target audience.

Maintaining a human touch is essential to preserve authenticity and engagement. Overcoming these challenges involves a continuous cycle of training and development. By regularly updating AI tools based on feedback and investing in training for content creators, agencies can leverage AI effectively. This collaborative approach, balancing AI efficiency with human creativity, ensures high-quality, engaging content that aligns with strategic goals.

10. In what ways can agency partnership programs, such as the Cloudways Agency Partnership Program, assist agencies in utilizing generative AI for content creation and marketing?

Agency partnership programs, like the Cloudways Agency Partnership Program, can significantly assist agencies in utilizing generative AI for content creation and marketing. These programs offer vast opportunities for industry networking, providing a platform where agencies can connect and collaborate with each other. By engaging with other partner agencies, participants can share insights and strategies, learn about the latest advancements in generative AI and how to integrate these tools effectively into their workflows.

For instance, the HubSpot Partner Ecosystem exemplifies how such programs are not just about lead generation. They serve as learning hubs where agencies can gain valuable knowledge about various aspects of their operations, including services, positioning, pricing, and referral strategies.

This collaborative environment encourages agencies to exchange best practices, troubleshoot common challenges, and stay updated on industry trends. Additionally, these partnerships often provide access to exclusive resources, training, and support that can further enhance an agency’s ability to leverage generative AI for high-quality content creation and innovative marketing approaches.

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11. What advice would you give to agencies looking to start using generative AI for content creation and marketing?

Just try it. Open up ChatGPT and ask it something. The same way you might have tried Siri the first time it was used. Just experiment. I think the first thing I asked ChatGPT to do was write a baking recipe using my wife’s leftover ingredients.

Over time, think about the prompts you’re giving it, how you can provide examples, tell it what to do, what not to do, how to respond, and who to act as. The more information you give it, the more polished an answer you get. Simply saying “Write me a blog post about XYZ” won’t get you as good an answer as “Act as a copywriter with experience in [sector] and write me a comparison-based article about XYZ”

12. In addition to yourself, are there any other agency coaches you would recommend we reach out to for an interview?

Chris Marr, The Authoritative Coach

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Abdul Rehman

Abdul is a tech-savvy, coffee-fueled, and creatively driven marketer who loves keeping up with the latest software updates and tech gadgets. He's also a skilled technical writer who can explain complex concepts simply for a broad audience. Abdul enjoys sharing his knowledge of the Cloud industry through user manuals, documentation, and blog posts.


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