Impact Media – Case Study

Cloudways Frees Up Valuable Resources for Impact Media – A Digital Marketing Agency

In Conversation With

Martin Coates
Technical Director at Impact Media

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Cloudways has built my confidence in onboarding new clients in which we sometimes have to migrate to our servers and get set up in minimal time. The existing setup would have been painful. A huge part of our business is WordPress support and the staging areas are paramount to our monthly WP and plugin updates. We also push git deployment as well.
– Martin Coates , Technical Director at Impact Media
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Impact Media is one of the earliest WordPress agencies. The agency was founded back in 2003, and they were one of the first adopters of WordPress back in 2008. Since then, they have been exclusively building websites in WordPress. However, scalability was becoming a big problem as they were building custom load-balancing AWS environments. Auto-scaling became an issue for them, and they needed a reliable solution. That’s where Cloudways comes in.

Impact Media is a member of our Agency Partnership Program.

Things you will learn:

  • Why Impact Media decided to switch to Cloudways
  • How Cloudways resolved their hosting worries
  • How they were able to divert valuable resources in growing their agency.

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